Topic outline

  • 1. Naming various natural resources within their qualifications

    This Module part is prepared by Lydmila Zadorozhnya, Móðurmál, Iceland

    • That presentation shows the natural resources of Iceland and allows learners to learn more and compare and find out similarities and differences of various natural resources in Iceland and others.

    • This document shows the whole lesson scenario within the course template. That is the very final official reference document. Anyone interested is very likely to study the lesson scenario by following this document.  

  • 2. Grouping the natural resources on Earth

    This Module part was prepared by Justyna Pająk-Jaroszewska, Martyna Florkowska-Kardasz, IRSIE, Poland

  • 3. Cyclical nature: Circadian Rhythm

    This part of the Module was prepared by Tatjana Christelbauer MA and Carla Laszakovits, Agency for Cultural Diplomacy (ACD), Austria

  • 4. The differences between matter cycle and flow of energy in an ecosystem

    This Module part was prepared by Anne CHIAMA, Paul FERNANDEZ and Frédéric GUILLERAY, Lycée Louis Jouvet de Taverny, France

  • 5. Ultimate source of energy and the form of energy while leaving the ecosystem

    This Module part was prepared by Lubomír Hájek and Petra Garay, Tauferova střední odborná škola veterinární Kroměříž, Czech Republic

    • Lesson 1: Source of energy, the ultimate source and its functions, positive and negative effects

      Content of lesson 1:

      1. ENGAGE: Discuss with your family members 
      2. EXPLORE: The absence of the ozone layer 
      3. EXPLAIN: The impact of the greenhouse effect on the Earth 
      4. EXTEND: Your knowledge on freons

    • Lesson 2: Living organisms and green energy

      Content of lesson 2:

      1. ENGAGE: learn about the effects of the sun
      2. EXPLORE: the effects of the sun on living organisms
      3. EXPLAIN: the term of light pollution
      4. EXTEND: your knowledge of melanin

  • 6. The effects of exploitation of natural resources

    This part of the Module was created by Güray Karakaya, AFAD, Turkiye 

    • This document shows the whole lesson scenario within the course template. That is the very final official reference document. Anyone interested is very likely to study the lesson scenario by following this document.