Lýsing á efni

  • 1. 1. Samspil fólks og náttúru

    Þessi einingahluti var undirbúinn af Lydmila Zadorozhnya, Móðurmál, Íslandi
    • The presentation by the teachers gives examples of human impacts on nature or nature impacts on human. Students should study it in groups and have some self discovery 

    • This document shows the whole lesson scenario within the course template. It is the reference document. Anyone interested is likely to study the lesson scenario by following this document.

  • Þessi einingahluti var unnin af Güray Karakaya, lagt af Murat Senger, AFAD, Turkiye

    Þessi einingahluti var unnin af Güray Karakaya, lagt af Murat Senger, AFAD, Turkiye
    • This document shows the whole lesson scenario within the course template. It is the reference document. Anyone interested is likely to study the lesson scenario by following this document.

  • 3. Jákvæð og neikvæð áhrif náttúrunnar á manneskjuna. Náttúrulegt og gervi umhverfi

    Þessi einingahluti var útbúinn af Lubomír Hájek og Petra Garay, Tauferova střední odborná škola veterinární Kroměříž, Tékklandi
  • 4. Hlutverk framleiðenda og neytenda á náttúrulegu jafnvægi

    Þessi einingarhluti var útbúinn af Anne CHIAMA, Paul FERNANDEZ, Frédéric GUILLERAY, Lycée Louis Jouvet de Taverny, Frakklandi
  • 5. Að viðhalda náttúrulegu jafnvægi

    Þessi einingahluti var útbúinn af Justyna Pająk-Jaroszewska, Martyna Florkowska-Kardasz, IRSIE, Póllandi
    • Ábyrgð okkar á þróun viðhorfa og hegðunar sem miðar að því að viðhalda náttúrulegu jafnvægi

  • VERKSTÆÐI: Umhverfissiðfræði og vandamál

    Þessi vinnustofa var hönnuð af Tatjana Christelbauer, þátttakendur: Tamara Tomasevic og Geraldine Fitoussi-Hoffmann, ACD, austurríska liðinu
    Þemaeiningar fyrir vikulanga vinnustofulotu: Fyrirspurnartengd samþætt námssmiðja röð á mótum lista, vísinda og stefnu
  • Results of the Workshop in Turkiye

    Policy recommendations, and statements from Youth who participated in the Forum, during the mobility meeting of the project team ERASMUS+ Le_MOON project teams in Manisa, Turkiye 5th-9th of February 2023

    Activity initiated and supported by ACD-Agency for Cultural Diplomacy Vienna, Austria team member, with the aim to endorse the discussions and shape the views shared by youth in a paper form which can be presented to policymakers and further elaborated by developing activities, continuing dialogues, investigating conditions, co-creating opportunities to engage in & improve conditions 4now&then, together & one, by one.