Topic outline

  • 1. Ecological footprint

    This Module part is prepared by Lydmila Zadorozhnya, Móðurmál, Iceland

    • This document shows the whole lesson scenario within the course template. That is the very final official reference document. Anyone interested is very likely to study the lesson scenario by following this document.  

  • 2. Greenhouse gasses

    This Module part was prepared by Justyna Pająk-Jaroszewska, Martyna Florkowska-Kardasz, IRSIE, Poland

  • 3. Greenhouse effects

    This Module part was prepared by Céline CORNEILLE, Paul FERNANDEZ, Frédéric GUILLERAY, Marine ROBINI and Ervan ROUSSEL, Lycée Louis Jouvet de Taverny, France.

  • 4. Climate systems

    This Module part was prepared by Lubomír Hájek and Petra Garay, Tauferova střední odborná škola veterinární Kroměříž, Czech Republic

    • Lesson 1: Climate systems

      This lesson introduces and promotes knowledge of the climate system, students explain the major components of the climate system and comprehend the factors influencing the climate system.

      Content of lesson 1:
      1. ENGAGE: Introduction to climate systems
      2. EXPLAIN: discuss the key role of each climate system
      3. EXPLORE: deepen the understanding of climate systems.
      4. EXTEND: field studies and home projects

    • Lesson 2: Climate systems

      In this lesson, students comprehend the factors influencing the climate system including ocean currents and weather patterns.

      Content of lesson 2:
      1. ENGAGE: Components of climate systems
      2. EXPLORE: Feedback Mechanisms
      3. EXPLAIN: Weather patterns and human activities; ocean currents
      4. EXTEND: Field trip studies and group discussions; hand-on experiments

  • 5. Climate change vs climate variability

    This part of the Module was created by Güray Karakaya, AFAD, Turkiye 

    • This document shows the whole lesson scenario within the course template. That is the very final official reference document. Anyone interested is very likely to study the lesson scenario by following this document. 

  • WORKSHOP: Weather and climate

    This workshop was prepared by Tatjana Christelbauer MA, Dr. Geraldine Fitoussi-Hoffmann, Mag. Andrea Nagl, Agency for Cultural Diplomacy, Austria