Love Earth to the Moon and Back

International project on Climate Change and Environmental Education

project No. 2021-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000034484

LeMoon Module 0: E-Curriculum

LeMoon Module 0: E-Curriculum

The module is created by LeMoon project partners. The module 0 introduces eCurriculum, background and the process on the Module 1-6 creation; and the presents the teachers who created the modules. It also explains the further use of the resources and languages they are available in. Will be publicly available in June 2024

LeMOON Module 1: Human and Nature

LeMOON Module 1: Human and Nature

The module was developed by LeMOON project partners.

LeMOON Module 2: Cyclical nature

LeMOON Module 2: Cyclical nature

The module was developed by LeMOON project partners.

LeMoon Module 3: Nature and climate change

LeMoon Module 3: Nature and climate change

The module was developed by LeMOON project partners.

LeMoon Module 4: The Impacts of the Environmental Problems and Climate Change (Part 1: Ecosystems)

LeMoon Module 4: The Impacts of the Environmental Problems and Climate Change (Part 1: Ecosystems)

The module was developed by LeMOON project partners. It will be open in May 2024

LeMoon Module 6: Sustainable Development and  Solutions to Climate Change

LeMoon Module 6: Sustainable Development and Solutions to Climate Change

The module was developed by LeMOON project partners. It will be open in June 2024