Topic outline

  • 1. Sustainable Development

    This Module part was prepared by Lubomír Hájek and Petra Garay, Tauferova střední odborná škola veterinární Kroměříž, Czech Republic
    • Lesson 1: Respecting the nature

      1. EXPLORE: 3 ESG Pillars
      2. ENGAGE: The 4th pillar
      3. EXPLAIN: Respect the nature: renewable and non-renewable sources
      4. EXTEND: Respect the nature: David Attenborough

    • Lesson 2: How to measure sustainability?

      1. ENGAGE: Sustainable Development and the 2030 Agenda
      2. EXPLORE: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
      3. EXPLAIN: The 3 pillars and SDGs
      4. EXTEND: Tools to measure sustainability

  • 2. Stewardship and Restoration of Ecosystems

    This Module part is prepared by Lydmila Zadorozhnya, Móðurmál, Iceland
    • This document shows the whole lesson scenario within the course template. It is the reference document. Anyone interested is likely to study the lesson scenario by following this document.

      Lesson 1 (1 hour)

      1. ENGAGE: Show a short video depicting various ecosystems and discuss the impact of human activities
      2. EXPLORE: (Group work) Assign each group a specific traditional ecological practice from First Peoples (e.g., controlled burning, sustainable hunting, seasonal harvesting)
      3. EXPLAIN: Provide a mini-lecture on the role of First Peoples’ knowledge in modern conservation efforts, including examples from different regions and cultures

      Lesson 2 (1 hour)

      1. EXTEND: Students' project: develop a conservation project incorporating traditional ecological knowledge and local knowledge, and create a poster to illustrate the conservation project
      2. EVALUATE: Peer Review: Review each other's posters and provide constructive feedback
      3. Reflection Essay: Write a short essay reflecting on what you learned about traditional ecological knowledge and its application in modern conservation efforts

  • 3. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

    This Module part was prepared by Céline CORNEILLE, Paul FERNANDEZ, Frédéric GUILLERAY, Marine ROBINI and Ervan ROUSSEL, Lycée Louis Jouvet de Taverny, France
    • Lesson 1: I am part of my local environment

      1. ENGAGE: My footprint in my local environment (calculation and identification of actions)
      2. EXPLORE: The world has changed (interviews to identify changes over time and actions around me)
      3. EXPLAIN: I'm in a network (interviews of school administration and policymakers)
      4. EXTEND: What can I do? (choice of actions to take among 35)

      You can find the evaluation part directly at the end of the lessons (in the uploaded document).

    • Lesson 2: All the ways to fight climate change

      1. ENGAGE: The ecological deficit of my country (use an online tool to identify the ecological deficit/reserve of my country)
      2. EXPLORE: Adaptation and/or mitigation? (web research to define and compare adaptation and mitigation)
      3. EXPLAIN: Find and share strategies! (design mindmap thanks to online resources)
      4. EXTEND: Make your voice heard as a citizen (write a charter for the political decision-makers)

      You can find the evaluation part directly at the end of the lesson (in the uploaded doc).

  • 4. Renewable Energy and Technological Innovations

    This Module part was prepared by Justyna Pająk-Jaroszewska, Martyna Florkowska-Kardasz, IRSIE, Poland
    • Lesson 1: Technologies for sustainable development and the role of innovation in addressing environmental issues and climate change

      1. ENGAGE: Introduction to the topic: the concept of sustainable development.
      2. EXPLORE: Preparation of presentations on technologies contributing to sustainable development
      3. EXPLAIN: Reflections on recent innovation in sustainability (examples, discussion)
      4. EXTEND: Discussion on our role in promoting sustainable development and ways of applying innovation and creativity to address environmental issues in our community.

    • Lesson 2: What are the benefits and challenges of adopting green technologies?

      1. ENGAGE: Trailer watching – the students watch the trailer of Al Gore’s documentary entitled ‘An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power’
      2. EXPLORE: Sustainable Technology Quest – the students work at the stations in small groups and do tasks allowing them to explore green technologies and environmental issues
      3. EXPLAIN: Explanation time – students explain what they have discovered or learnt at the assigned stations
      4. EXTEND: Fishbowl discussion (exchange of arguments presenting benefits and challenges of adopting green technology)

  • 5. Policy and Governance

    This Module part was prepared by Güray Karakaya, contributed by Murat Senger, AFAD, Turkiye
    • Lesson 1: Technologies for sustainable development and the role of innovation in addressing environmental issues and climate change

        Ice Breaker: Sustainability Bingo.
        Instructions: Create a bingo card – draw a 5x5 grid with different sustainability-related activities or facts in each square. Find classmates who match the descriptions in the bingo squares.
      1. ENGAGE: Watch the video and make connections within the words given (policy, governance, community projects, sustainable practices).
      2. EXPLORE: Answer the questions about the key components of the policy.
      3. EXPLAIN: Study the text and check the key components of the policies (goals and objectives, successes and challenges in implementation, role of local governments and communities).

      Lesson 2 (1 hour)

      1. EXTEND: Group work – Each group seeks and studies a case study of a successful community-led sustainability project. Work in groups and develop your own proposal for a community-led sustainability project in your local area.
      2. EVALUATE: Consider a specific environmental issue or need, propose sustainable practices to address the issue, engage local stakeholders and the community, outline the steps for implementation and policy support needed, review each other’s proposals, and provide constructive feedback.
  • WORKSHOP series: Global Citizenship, Policy Learning, Lifestyle Choices and Consumer Behavior

    This Workshop was designed by Tatjana Christelbauer, Contributors: Tamara Tomasevic and Geraldine Fitoussi-Hoffmann, ACD, Austrian team

    Thematic Units for Week-Long Workshop Sessions: Inquiry-Based Integrated Learning Workshop Series on the Intersection of Arts, Science, and Policy