Learning environments offer solutions that can facilitate assessment procedures and make the overall process more transparent by allowing indicating assessment criteria in line with assessment activities. It is necessary to discuss and agree on how assessment will be arranged and what measures will be taken (Jones and Alcock, 2014). This agreement is necessary not only at the course level, but also at the individual assignment level. Teachers can indicate assessment criteria in study guides as well as enlist them using assignment tools in VLEs. Students, knowing how they will be assessed and what benchmarks they need to achieve in order to complete the tasks properly, may feel more confident and engaged as well. This is quite relevant for fully online students who often struggle with engagement as online settings offer limited opportunities for interaction. Thus, assessment criteria that are clearly formulated and tangible can be rather relevant in increasing student engagement with learning and assessment processes as well as ensuring transparency.

Ostatnia modyfikacja: wtorek, 15 listopada 2022, 12:52