• Knowledge assessment. It is becoming more and more relevant to assess the extent to which students construct new knowledge integrating it with prior knowledge. This can be achieved through the development of activities that imply reasoning, as well as analytical and critical thinking.

  • Skills assessment. The assessment of skills assessment allows for determining an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. Its main purpose is to identify the students’ gaps and adjust learning activities accordingly, but also to highlight the students’ strong points and capitalise them for the development of other learners.

  • Values/ responsibilities assessment. Values determine the behaviour of individuals and refer to the beliefs that motivate them to act a certain way. In educational context, it is particularly relevant to develop and assess: i) personal values, which individuals consider to be most important and exhibit in their daily lives (e.g., creativity, humility, integrity, compassion, selflessness or friendship); ii) relationship values, which reflect in the individuals interaction with the other (e.g., trust, generosity, empathy and intercultural communication); and iii) societal (or global) values, which refer to how individuals relate to society (e.g., environmental awareness and accountability, fairness, dignity, individual rights, community and social responsibility). 

  • Team-based learning (TBL). Team-based learning involves a sequence of activities that include individual work, team work, and immediate feedback. It implies the student’s individual pre-class preparation, followed by a test, which is answered twice by the students, firstly in an individual setting (iRAT step) and then in a group setting (tRAT step).

  • Challenge-based learning (CBL). Challenge-based learning refers to the identification, analysis and design of a solution to a sociotechnical problem. The learning experience is based on multidisciplinary and collaborative work (with different stakeholders) to develop a solution, which is environmentally, socially and/or economically sustainable (Kohn Rådberg, Lundqvist, Malmqvist, & Hagvall Svensson, 2020).

  • Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). COIL is based on the students’ use of digital technology to develop collaboration-based activities with international peers; thus, opening up the opportunity for a wider participation in academic mobility programs, which usually demand geographical displacement. 

Paskutinį kartą keista: antradienis, 2023 sausio 17, 16:32