• Collecting Student Feedback. A process during which learners are strongly encouraged to provide feedback about learning / teaching process to reflect about their learning success and concerns in order to adjust and improve pedagogical strategies as well as to ensure the overall quality of education. Also, students can be asked to provide feedback about their learning / teaching and assessment processes as a way to engage in self-reflective practices and aim to support self-regulated learning and development of metacognitive skills.

  • Feedback. Feedback is considered to be an inseparable part of teaching / learning and assessment processes. Feedback can be provided in different ways and different modes. Learning technologies can significantly contribute to feedback provisions and the collection process. In fact, The concept refers to a source of information that can be used for the purposes of improvement of learning / teaching and assessment (Wisniewski, et al., 2020). Feedback can be provided by any stakeholders involved (e.g., teachers, students, academic staff, etc.)

  • Student Reflection. The term reflection is used to refer to a process of evaluating a lived event to investigate, appraise, and explain and, by doing so, cast light on the education concerning repetition and exercise (Reid, 1993). One of the key goals of teachers is to encourage students to engage in reflection procedures as this may significantly contribute to facilitating learning and providing deep learning experience by allowing learners to become more independent and taking responsibility for their own learning (Sharma, 2010).

Ostatnia modyfikacja: wtorek, 15 listopada 2022, 12:56