Technologies can make the assessment process more transparent and facilitate the assessment of learning outcomes. An obvious example of how assessment of learning outcomes can be performed in the Moodle environment is provided below (see Illustration No. 1). Here, a table is provided where the teacher can describe the intended learning outcomes and then assess whether the student has managed to achieve them by marking them off in the system.

Illustration 1. Example of Assessment of Learning Outcomes in Moodle (VMU Moodle environment)

Once a student completes the assignment, the teacher grades it and, in the feedback window, s/he can explain which assessment criteria have been met and which have not, and then justify the grade by summing up the assessment criteria accordingly. If the assignment is also related to the course learning outcomes, the teacher then has to indicate to what extent (did not reach / partially / fully) the student has reached the intended learning outcomes. Consequently, students have a possibility to monitor their learning as learning outcomes, here, can be considered as certain benchmarks.

Paskutinį kartą keista: antradienis, 2022 lapkričio 15, 12:51