Teachers can use the Moodle competence tool to create and then visualize learning outcomes/ competences in the course. The teacher sets up and uses evaluation criteria per assignment (with everything indicated in the study guide). While grading assignments, the teacher is obliged to provide feedback on the grade issued, with the reference to assignment criteria as well as indicate which and to what extent competences are achieved. In this way, students are consciously reminded of the learning outcomes/ competencies that are achieved with the implementation of the assignment, and the evaluation result in the framework of the assessment strategy and criteria described: 

Illustration 2. Example of assessment of learning outcomes when assignments are linked with competences (learning outcomes), and provision of feedback in accordance with assessment criteria (VMU Moodle environment)

However, assessment of each task is also interrelated with the overall learning process and the learning results. Each grade has to be described through assessment criteria and their weight in the final grade has to be indicated. 

All in all, a technology enhanced learning environment offers a wide range of options and opportunities for teachers to evaluate whether the student managed to reach the intended learning outcomes. Here, just an example has been discussed how Moodle tool has been used to assess learning outcomes.

Paskutinį kartą keista: antradienis, 2022 lapkričio 15, 12:50