This training course is targeted for:

  • e-learning centre staff members
  • teachers and trainers at education institutions
  • students and researchers

Having completed this course, the learners will be able to:

1. define OER, list their categories and compare types and models of OER

2.  characterize the quality and explain the purpose of use of selected OER

3.  analyze issues of OER development and use in education, and categorize issues and challenges of OER development and use in education

4.  design use or reuse of OER and construct next steps in OER development

The training will take part in synchronous and asynchronous ways.

Synchronous video conferencing meetings will take place on the following dates:

November 6 (10-12 CET)

- Introduction to the course

- Presentation on definition of OER, their categories, types and models

November 13 (9:30-11:30 CET)

- Group work presentation (by international groups)

- Presentation on the quality issues of OER and the purpose of use of OER

November 20 (10-12 CET)

- Group work results presentation (by international groups)

- Presentation on the issues and challenges of OER development and use in education

November 27 (10-12 CET)

- Moderating the progress of national group work. Facilitation session.

December 4 (10 – 12 CET)

- National groups presentations on OER state of art in their countries, challenges and prospects for development. International video conference and wrapping up the training course.

Consequently, the course is divided into 4 parts (see course structure bellow). Participants will be monitored and tutored by different institutions during different periods of time:

University of Granada team will tutor participants from November 6 until November 13. The main tutor for this period will be 

Antonio Canas ( ) - University of Granada, Spain

EFQUEL team will tutor participants from November 13 until November 20. The main tutor for this period will be:

Professor Dr. phil. habil. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers (, EFQUEL, Belgium

Anthony Camilleri (, EFQUEL, Belgium

Universify of Jyvaskyla, University of Pavia and Vytautas Magnus University teams will tutor participants in implementation national group assignments for preparing the report on State-of-Art of OER development in their countries and presenting challanges and prospects for their development. The period given for the task will be from November 20 until  December 4.

The main tutors for this task will be:

- Airina Volungevičienė ( - Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
- Margarita Teresevičienė ( - Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
- Estela Daukšienė ( - Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Jan Pawlowski ( - University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Elena Caldirola ( - University of Pavia, Italy

All participants will have to implement 3 assignments. Having completed them, they will get certification on the their ability described in learning outcomes of this course. Formative assessment will be used in the course, and all participants will receive feedback on their assignments during presentation in synchronous sessions.
Participants will be issued with the certificate.
Welcome to the international - multicultural training sessions!
We are sure you will enjoy this experience via virtual mobility.
Ostatnia modyfikacja: środa, 6 listopada 2013, 12:22