We are excited to provide you with a list of higher-order questions. These questions can be utilized in a variety of ways, such as in-class group activities or by simply sharing them with your students via your LMS. We encourage you to incorporate these questions into your teaching to inspire critical thinking and engage your students in meaningful discussions.

     Level Evaluate

    • Assess the impact of cross-linguistic mediation strategies on the development of plurilingual competence in language learners.
    • Critically assess the impact of integrated language teaching on the development of plurilingual competence and the mutual cognitive influence between different languages.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of inter- and cross-linguistic comparative approaches in facilitating the acquisition of new linguistic phenomena and fostering metacognitive reflection.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the anticipatory and retroactive principles in promoting plurilingualism and enhancing language learning in a multilingual context.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of intercomprehension in promoting multilingualism in the European Union.

    Level Create

    • Create a classroom activity that encourages students to use their plurilingual and pluricultural repertoire to analyze and compare linguistic phenomena across different languages.
    • Design a lesson plan that incorporates intercomprehension strategies to promote plurilingualism among students.
    • Create a scenario where cross-linguistic mediation is used to solve a communication problem between speakers of different languages.
    • Design a lesson plan that incorporates both anticipatory and retroactive principles to facilitate the acquisition of a new language, while also reinforcing the knowledge of previously learned languages.
    • Design a lesson plan that incorporates inter- and cross-linguistic comparative approaches to teach a new language to a group of multilingual students.

Síðast breytt: sunnudagur, 25. febrúar 2024, 5:24 PM