1. Analytical framework: how should we think about the role of MicroCredentials in higher education? Three Scenarios: Orr, D., Pupinis, M., & Kirdulytė, G. (2020). Towards a European approach to micro-credentials: A study of practices and commonalities in offering micro-credentials in European higher education. Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi. org/10, 2766, 7338. p 46-49 https://ec.europa.eu/education/sites/default/files/document-library-docs/towardseuropean-approach-micro-credentials-analytical-report.pdf

2. MicroCredentials in European higher education institutions: OECD (2021). Micro-credential innovations in higher education: Who, What and Why?. OECD Education Policy Perspectives, No. 39. p 8-15. https://doi.org/10.1787/f14ef041-en

3. Alignment of Micro-Credentialing and Outcomes-Based Education: Modern Campus & UPCEA (2023). Shifting Paradigms: Understanding Institutional Perspectives on Microcredentialing. p 16-17. https://moderncampus.com/pdfs/shifting-paradigms-understanding-institutional-perspectives-on-microcredentialing.pdf 

4. Challenges in MicroCredential Development: Illustrative Cases. Fischer, T., Oppl, S., & Stabauer, M. (2022). Micro-Credential Development: Tools, Methods and Concepts Supporting the European Approach. p 9-11. https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Thomas-Fischer-28/publication/356568140_Micro-Credential_Development_Tools_Methods_and_Concepts_Supporting_the_European_Approach/links/61a11c843068c54fa51f4a48/Micro-Credential-Development-Tools-Methods-and-Concepts-Supporting-the-European-Approach.pdf&hl=de&sa=T&oi=gsb-gga&ct=res&cd=0&d=6628720968170107388&ei=-jPuY4qwFZWwmgGXtIe4Aw&scisig=AAGBfm0uremz8H-i-MXmmRrJDFIJwwpipw 

5. ‘Designing and Assessing Micro-credential Offerings’: Tooley, M., & Hood, J. (2021). Harnessing Micro-Credentials for Teacher Growth: A National Review of Early Best Practices. New America. p 15-22. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED612409.pdf 

6. ‘Reprint of Council of Chief State School Officers’ “Design, Assessment, and Implementation Principles for Educator Micro-credentials: Tooley, M., & Hood, J. (2021). Harnessing Micro-Credentials for Teacher Growth: A National Review of Early Best Practices. New America. Appendix B. p 52-54. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED612409.pdf 

7. SURF edubadges in Netherlands: Issuing digital certificates to students. https://www.surf.nl/en/edubadges-issuing-digital-certificates-to-students 

8. SUNY The State University of New York: Gain New Skills, Knowledge, and Experience with Microcredentials at SUNY. https://www.suny.edu/microcredentials/ 

please also have a look at examples of Unit 1.2.

Add-on: estudos de caso anteriores como predecessores de MicroCredenciais

9. Case Study No. 2 ‘Addressing the needs of learners and addressing the needs of the nation: a module in UNISA’s BA in Court Interpreting’: Wallmach, K. in: Welch, T., Reed, Y. (ed.) (2004), Designing and Delivering Distance Education: Quality Criteria and Case Studies from South Africa. NADEOSA. p 80-86. https://www.saide.org.za/documents/Nadeosa_Quality_Critiera.pdf 

10. Case Study No. 13 ‘The quality assurance process for undergraduate courses in the Department of Linguistics at UNISA’: Sanderson, P. . in: Welch, T., Reed, Y. (ed.) (2004) Designing and Delivering Distance Education: Quality Criteria and Case Studies from South Africa. NADEOSA. p 202-210. https://www.saide.org.za/documents/Nadeosa_Quality_Critiera.pdf 

Paskutinį kartą keista: trečiadienis, 2023 gegužės 17, 16:32