European higher education institutions have already for a long time organised online or blended learning and have their virtual learning environments in operation. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a system that includes tools for delivering e-learning materials, organising learning activities, communicating and collaborating with learners. An environment where you can find core and supplementary learning materials, lecture recordings, slides, quizzes and assignments, and study at a time and pace. The most popular institutional, non-commercial virtual learning environment which is used by European universities is Moodle. It is an open-source platform which requires the institutional staff for administration. First of all, the environment is easy to install and can be updated whenever needed. The environment is always backed up (these settings are selected by the system administrator), so that lost courses or materials can always be restored if necessary. It provides the possibility to see and monitor learners' learning activity. In this environment, digital learning materials can be sorted into different categories. Therefore, it is possible to search for study subjects when necessary. Another feature of Moodle is its user-friendly communication and user interface. Moodle virtual learning environment can be used for online learning and face to face learning. There is a multi-dimensional community and virtual learning environment that is being actively developed. The last feature of the Moodle environment highlighted is security. It has all the security measures built in. In a virtual learning environment, all material is accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. One of Moodle new function MicroCredential issuing. However the requirement to have it administered by institutional staff provides opportunities for its adaptation to institutional needs, and thus opens possibilities for flexible use of MicroCredentials.

Paskutinį kartą keista: antradienis, 2023 kovo 14, 16:35