In this unit, we will follow the advice of the ECCOE team and show how to describe assessment features within the ECCOE template.

Please have a look at the exemplary description of assessment features for a selected Learning Opportunity. Slides_TM Unit 2.3.Transparent Assessment ECCOE_DHBW.pptx

Looking at the detailed process of setting up a quality assured Digital Credential, it becomes clear, how much work has been done and still is ahead - if we want to include those small learning units, which have long been part of HE provision, into our learning ecosystems as MicroCredentials. 

For sure, the rapid developments regarding Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) in Higher Education will make implementation of MCs easier and help to ensure quality delivery, integration and recognition whilst avoiding learning fragmentation.n.

Modifié le: mardi 28 mars 2023, 10:30