The EDCI aims at two main sections of stakeholders:

● the learners who, after achievement, receive a MicroCredential and

● the issuers of MicroCredentials.

A third important target group are the recognising institutions or employers, who are not in the focus of this training material. 

Particularly for the learners, the EUROPASS is designed as a multilingual tool for learning and working in Europe. After registration, it offers the learner to create, maintain and extend his or her personal profile. The system includes a CV-creator as well as a cover letter functionality. Furthermore, a directory for personal skills and interests as well as a test of digital skills is available.


The EUROPASS is linked with National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) and provides for opportunity guidance as well as for course- and job-recommendations.

Fig. 2.3. Europass tools

For learners, the most important feature of EUROPASS relating to MicroCredentials is included in the section of opportunity guidance with focus on ‘Learn in Europe’.

Fig. 2.4.  Europass opportunity guidance

The Document Library contains all documents and files for learning and working in one safe and free online space. Europass CVs, Cover Letters, Digital credentials, awards, certificates, diplomas and any other relevant documents can be uploaded here.

This is where digital MicroCredentials as a certificate can be stored for further use, in a portable and stackable format. A built-in digital wallet enables learners to add and administer their certificates, as well as to hand out the address to an issuing institution for direct deposit of digital documents. Learners can also upload certificates themselves.

For issuers, the EUROPASS provides for a tool not only for supporting the students in keeping track of all their learning achievements, but also for issuing documents:

Fig. 2.5. Europass documents

An HE institution who owns a qualified electronic seal and aims for issuing MicroCredentials can use the EUROPASS Online Credential Builder. It sets up a digital template for data and credential quality descriptors. The first step is to build reusable institution-adapted templates for MicroCredentials. For issuing purpose, these can be completed with the student data and grades if applicable. Obviously, the issuer can also upload prepared MicroCredential-files and directly move on to digitally sealing them.

This Credential Builder operates with a model of Digital Credentials developed by the EU Project ECCOE, which will be introduced in Unit 2.2.3.

ECCOE How does an EDCI MicroCredential look like.pdf

One of the ECCOE ‘How to …’ guidelines describes the process of issuing a MC and is available in multiple languages:


For various information about the EUROPASS system, the Audiovisual Service of the EUROPASS website can be consulted.

It is very likely that HE institutions use their own software capabilities to establish a process for issuing MicroCredentials, which then could be transferred to the EDCI ecosystem. Provision is made by the EU for developing own applications. In order to facilitate automatic transfer of data for Micro-Credentialing, the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) of the HE institution needs to provide for certain pre-conditions, apart from Moodle or another Learning Management System (LMS), to make this process work.

Zuletzt geändert: Dienstag, 28. März 2023, 10:10