The Training Material at hand ought to motivate and enable you to 

It is composed of three units and will guide you as HE teachers through 

  • the process of describing learning offers in digital space, 

  • using MicroCredential descriptors, 

  • so that your students are issued with the new concept of digital credentials (= MicroCredentials) 

  • to transparently get their achievements to be recognised by other HEIs and employers. 

After all, competences acquired in this course, combined with the implementation of the new learning, are supposed to help educators to utilise digital MicroCredentials as a means to support the principles of learning outcome recognition and ECTS transfer among the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

The competence model of this course is DigCompEdu and the EdDiCo Learning maturity Model.

Where do you stand?

Please assess your knowledge and experience regarding MicroCredentials:  

O Explorer: I am aware of the process of designing MicroCredentials on the levels of micro and macro curriculum level and the links and meta-data between the credential and digital curriculum in a Virtual Learning Environment.

Expert: I have advanced knowledge on the process of designing MicroCredentials on the levels of micro and macro curriculum level, and I am able to explain the links and meta-data between the credential and digital curriculum in a Virtual Learning Environment.

O Pioneer: I have comprehensive knowledge and/or experience of the process of designing MicroCredentials on the levels of micro and macro curriculum level and the links and meta-data between the credential and digital curriculum in Virtual Learning Environment.

Last modified: Tuesday, 28 March 2023, 8:49 AM