After course assignments and activities are designed, it is recommended to align them with the course learning outcomes. Aligning activities with the learning outcomes provides support to students by informing them how each activity contributes to the development of a particular competence. To do this, the teacher needs to turn on course editing and in the Administration block select Outcomes. Learning outcomes might be added manually or imported from other files (fig. 7).


Figure 7. An example of the course learning outcomes

After learning outcomes are inserted, the teacher can select which of the inserted learning outcomes will be achieved after completing the activity and align learning outcomes with the activity accordingly (fig. 8).


Figure 8. An example of learning outcomes linked to a specific learning activity

A grade book

Finally, after you add an assessed item to a Moodle course, a grade book automatically creates spaces for grades and adds them as soon as they are generated either by the teacher or by the system (fig. 9). Grade items refer to course activities, e.g., an assignment, a peer review, a quiz, or learning outcomes. Therefore, teachers need to consider what data is important and need to be included in the grade book. You need to make sure that each assignment is linked with specific learning outcomes and that the assignment grading is set appropriately.


Figure 9. An example of a grade book report

The course grade settings can be found in the Administration block -> Gradebook setup.

The grade book setup shows the teacher what assignments and learning outcomes are included in the grade book and which tasks are linked with each learning outcome. The grade book is useful for several reasons: it allows you to monitor and reflect on whether the pre-planned learning assignments are sufficient to achieve learning outcomes. If designed well before starting the course, it may generate reports with digital evidence showing whether students have achieved the foreseen outcomes and showing which students have achieved given outcomes.

N.B. Screenshot examples presented are retrieved from the course “Concepts of adult education”, teachers E. Trepule, G. Tamoliune. Teachers’ approval has been received.

Síðast breytt: fimmtudagur, 22. desember 2022, 1:05 PM