It is not easy to find a commonly agreed classification, but we will try to list the most important ones:

  • Learning models: This classificaiton is based on the organisation and provision of courses. We may speak about full time face to face courses, or part time/evening class face to face courses, distance on-line courses (without face to face tuition) and blended courses with face to face
  • Learning theories: The basic theories are the behaviorist, the cognitive and the constructivist theory, but recently we also speak about connectivism. (More:
    All those theories require different content organisation from thoroughly selected and logically organised small content elements by the teacher (istructor) with frequent tests and feedback till a loosely organised repository of possible content elements to choose from with special built-in learner interaction to go through the learning process (organised by the learner/group).
  • learning/teaching methods: Based on more general learning theories, there are plenty of worked out methods, with pre-defined media, and content organsiational requirements. Without going into detail we quote here the following methods:
  • Development methods: For learning content development there are worked out development methods where not only the content organisation is important, but the sequence of different phases of development. Those methods are based on the assumption that development is an activity which is separated from the day to day tuition process. Maybe the first development method was a step by step ADDIE model of development in instructional design (, another approach is the Rapid Prototyping or Rapid Application development ( for quicker, still very resource intensive model.
  • Synchronicity: The role of time is very important in many respects, and is quoted here not only to indicate the time required to develop (organise the content) but also the material itself. We speak about asynchronous models, where learners go through their own pace, like in distance on-line courses, or by simply learning traditional e-books. On the other hand there are synchronous models, where we have to organise the content in real-time. Webinars, on-line presentations, digital group based activities are all highly limited and organised by the time factor. Asynchronous approaches tend to use breaking down or template driven methods, syncronous methods using time driven storyboard methods.

More on this:

Next: Three approaches

Previous: What kind of digital content we are facing?

Naposledy změněno: čtvrtek, 4. května 2017, 18.27