Timeline for 2016 Spring semester:

Enrolment Study period Final task
By January 15 February 1 - May 23 In May 23 - June 10


Teaching and learning methods:

Teaching methods:

  • explanation,
  • demonstration,
  • illustration,
  • questions,
  • moderation of discussion,
  • consultation,
  • oral and written critical discussion,
  • oral and written reflection.

Learning methods:

  • literature and document analysis,
  • case analysis (implemented educational projects), and discussions.

Peer review: evaluation of the role of project in implementing innovations in education and improving activities of the educational organizations.
Preparation of the project proposal.
Teams are consulted face-to-face or during the virtual consultation using the opportunities provided by the Moodle. The proposal is submitted in the written form and also presented in class.


Assessment criteria:
For individual work:
- All structural and content points are included, properly and accurately discussed. Written ideas are clear and easily understood. Fluent sentences.
- Is prepared in written form, has clear logical structure, includes list of references and is uploaded online in accordance with the deadline;
- Oral presentations are focused. Provided time respected. Clear ideas, analytical approach.
- Activity in the forum. Focused discussion. Argument based.
- Definitions of concepts provided. Based on scientific resources.
For team work tasks:
- All aspects to be included into the project are accurately discussed;
- Project is prepared in written form, has clear logical structure and is uploaded online in accordance with the deadline;
- Group establishes a collaborative document for development of joint written version as well as oral presentation;
- Concrete tasks and responsibilities of each group member are clearly indicated. The teamwork is based on equal contribution of each member;
- All group members take part in oral presentation of the project.

Assessment methods and weightings:
Team work and class work - 20 %
Individual work - 15 %
Mid-term 15 %
Exam 50 %
Total: 100 %


Young T.L. (2007) The Handbook of Project Management. A Practice Guide to Effective Policies, techniques and Processes. London: Kogan Page
Beerel, A. (2013). Leadership and change management.  Sage

Once a week, students will be consulted online at the discussion forum in an asynchronous way, answering questions.

Zuletzt geändert: Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2021, 09:10