Degree: Master
Studies/Career: Teacher Training in Secondary Education
Course: 1st year students
ESTS (Host institution): 6
Institution: University of Oviedo
Course duration: One semester
Pre-requisites: No
Target group: This course is designed to develop digital competences that a future Secondary Teacher must have in order to teach Computing courses in secundary school.
The student will be aware of the implications of technology in the profesional and personal life of any citizen. The student will develop the computational thinking competence, and other digital competences such as collaborative work, contents depelopment in the web, multimedia, social cyber-interaction, and awareness of ethical and security issues.  They will use different technological tools currently needed for the professional and personal life of a citizen in the XXI century.
This course, therefore, is adequate for any university student. They will achieve a good level in the main computing abilities needed for XXI century citizens, both from a user perspective, and as developer of computing tools.
Priority students: This course is sharing the selection criteria with the OUVM Program
Language: English

Naposledy změněno: čtvrtek, 25. února 2021, 09.04