
Lina Morgado - Short description
Juan Perez Perez - Short description
Federico Piseri - Short description


Timeline for 2016 Spring semester:

Enrolment Study period Final task
By January 30 March 1 - June 30 In June


Teaching and learning methods:

The virtual campus is based on Moodle. One week online introductory module is available to students before the beginning of the curricular unit offered by UAb, which is intended to familiarise the students with the virtual environment and the elearning tools, as well as promoting the acquisition of online communication and online social skills. The curricular unit has a virtual class site and a virtual “café”.

This curricular unit will follow the UAb's Pedagogical Model ) underlying the learning process which adopts the continuous assessment regime.  the methodology adopted is based in 2 key elements: self-learning  ( reading materials and digital resources  recomended and critical analysis and evaluation)  and collaborative learning  based in interaction (discussions, virtual teams, wikis, cases, etc.).  A Learning Contract is presented and negotiated with students.   The continuous assessment component is  obtained through the the development of e-activities (individual and group activities). Different learning strategies are developed depending on the topic: from mainly individual assignments to collaborative and cooperative learning.

Further information is detailed in the Learning Agreement of the course unit.


Assessment criteria: 

The assessment assumes a continuous perspective and is based in the following elements: 1) Individual and Group learning; 2) Participation in discussions  and other activities;   3) Final individual work. The assessment process has a continuos character which is based on a quality timely feedback.

I)  Individual work
Organizes a written text properly
Analyzes documents
Constructs arguments based on the literature.

II) Final individual work
Shows mastery of the concepts mobilized on the course
Demonstrates ability to discuss, reflect and elaborate ideas based on the concepts and issues addressed
Elaborate with  arguments based on the relevant literature

III) Participation in discussions
Intervention content:
Identifies the core ideas of the topics
Formulates well-grounded opinions
Develops critical comments about the colleagues ' views
Takes others opinions into account and rethinks their point of view

Interaction modes:
Regularly participates in the discussion and meets the deadlines.
Interacts with colleagues seeking to encourage discussion and focuses the debate on the proposed themes
Keeps an ethical attitude with colleagues and contributes to group cohesiveness

Assessment methods and weightings:
Students' evaluation is made on an individual basis and it involves the coexistence of two modes:
continuous assessment (minimum 60%)
and final evaluation (maximum 40%).



Anderson, T. (2008). Teaching in an Online Learning Context. In Anderson, T. (Ed), Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University: Au Press.
Downes, S.  (16-10-2005). e-Learning 2.0. eLearn Magazine.
Mota, J. (2009). Personal Learning Environments: Contributos para uma discussão do conceito. Educação, Formação & Tecnologias, vol.2 (2); pp. 5-21.
Morgado, L. (2003). The teacher role in online education,  Revista Discursos, Universidade Aberta
Morgado (2015). Designing elearning  activities: from LMS to networked activities, Lisbon: Universidade Aberta
Pereira et al. (2007). Universidade Aberta´s Pedagogical Model, Lisbon: Universidade Aberta, https://repositorioaberto.uab.pt/handle/10400.2/2388

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