egree: Master
Studies/Career: Education
Course: Pedagogy of Online Education
ESTS (Host institution): 8
Institution: Universidade Aberta
Course duration: One semester
Pre-requisites: 1) First Cycle in any field of knowledge or any other legally equivalent certificate reconized by the university were the apllication were made;
2) English reading and writing skills.
3) Access to computer with internet connection and  basic  digital literacy;
Target group: Master students interested in the field of online education and online pedagogy and elearning. our target audience is  mostly those who are interested  in joining online education and became an online teacher or trainer.
Priority students:

Students enrolled in the Virtual Mobility program and in the Master of  Elearning Pedagogy (MPeL), UAb and

a) Experience in online education and online teaching/training
b) Academic rating
c) Atudies carried out under the  educational technologies or technology enhanced learning
d) Motivation and interest for online education and online teaching/training

Language: English
En son değiştirme: Perşembe, 25 Şubat 2021, 8:58 AM