
Branca Miranda - Short description
Isolina Oliveira - Short description
Lina Kaminskiene - Short description

Timeline for 2016 Spring semester:

Enrolment Study period Final task
By January 30 March 1 - May 30 In June

Teaching and learning methods:

The methodology adopted is based on two key elements: individual study and collaborative work.
Individual study assumes that the student read the materials advised, distinguishing essential elements from accessories aspects, in a critical evaluation perspective.
Based on the individual study, students must prepare comments and personal elaborations in order to actively participate in theme and asynchronous discussions. These discussions should be understood as a form of collaborative work, during which each student shares his readings and reflections with colleagues, seeking to deepen concepts, broaden views, discuss specific cases and examples and analyze applications of the concepts and theories addressed.

 Assessment criteria: 

The assessment assumes a continuous perspective and is based on the following elements: 1) Participation in discussions of the forums; 2) Group and individual work; 3) Final individual work. The assessment process has a continuous and formative character, which is based on quality timely feedback, aims progressive improvement of students competences.

Intervention content:
Identifies the core ideas of the topics
Formulates well-grounded opinions
Develops critical comments about the colleagues ' views
Takes others opinions into account and rethinks their point of vue

Interaction modes:
Regularly participates in the discussion and meets the deadlines.
Interacts with colleagues seeking to encourage discussion and focuses the debate on the proposed themes
Keeps an ethical attitude with colleagues and contributes to group cohesiveness

Organizes a written text properly
Analyzes documents
Constructs arguments based on the literature.

Shows mastery of the concepts mobilized on the course
Demonstrates ability to discuss, reflect and elaborate ideas based on the concepts and issues addressed
Contructs arguments based on the relevant literature

Assessment methods and weightings:

  • Participation in discussions forum: 30%
  • Individual work: 15%
  • Participation in group work: 15%
  • Final Work: 40%


Leithwood, K. ,  Day, C. , Sammons, P., Harris, A. & Hopkins, D. (2006). Successful School Leadership: :What It Is and How It Influences Pupil Learning. University of Nottigham, National College for School Leadership.
UNESCO (2010). Strategic planning: Concept and rationale. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
UNESCO (2010). Strategic Planning: Organizational arrangements. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
UNESCO (2010). Strategic planning: Techniques and methods. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
Westat J. F. (2010). The 2010 User Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation. Arlington, VA: NSF.

Paskutinį kartą keista: trečiadienis, 2021 vasario 24, 16:33