gree: Master
Studies/Career: Education
Course: School Leadership
ESTS (Host institution): 6
Institution: Universidade Aberta
Course duration: One semester
Pre-requisites: a) First Cycle in any field of knowledge or any other legally equivalent certificate recognized by the University were the application were made
B) knowledge of English
c) basic digital literacy and a personal computer with Internet access.
Target group: This Master's degree is designed to teachers and trainers of any level and in the various fields of education.
Our target audience is mostly those who are interested in joining leadership roles and educational supervision.
Priority students: 1) Experience in supervision and school leadership
2) Academic Rating
3) Studies carried out under the supervision and leadership
4) Motivation and interest for supervision and leadership studies
Language: English

Ostatnia modyfikacja: środa, 24 lutego 2021, 16:29