1. How often do you use Wikipedia to find the answers to the questions?
  2. Do you trust information found on Wikipedia?
  3. How often do you contribute with the information there? 
  4. What types of people are getting involved into blogging?
  5. Could you be the one owning a blog? If yes, what topic would it be? 
  6. How do you organize your bookmarks (links to information sources online)?
  7. Do you save them locally on your computer or somewhere online?
  8. How often do you share information you found with friends or colleagues? Do you post them via Skype, Facebook or send them by mail?
  9. How many news websites do you visit every day/every week/every month? Check if your favorite websites provide RSS feed.
  10. How do you track the newest items on the websites?
  11. Are you registered for any type of newsletters?
  12. What information (relevant attributes) is needed to be able to describe a book fully in detail? What about a person?
  13. Would you agree that LOM standard’s offered attributes are enough to describe any existing learning object? 
Paskutinį kartą keista: penktadienis, 2010 spalio 29, 11:40