Baltic Education Technology Institute, Lithuania

Learning Technologies

Teachers: Gytis Cibulskis, Evaldas Karazinas.

Time slot allocated for learning – 2 weeks

Competences to be achieved (learning outcomes):

1. The learner will be able to define the technologies and standards used in distance education

2. The learner will be able to apply the gathered knowledge on the learning management and social networking systems

During these two weeks learners are requested to implement 4 tasks – two tasks for every chapter of the sub-module. Learning resources are allocated for activity implementation in the following way:

Learning outcomes



Learning resources

Learning results

  1. Define the technologies and standards used in distance education;

Chapter 1 (Wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, RSS, LOM, SCORM, IMS, etc.)

- Task 1

- Task 2

- Provided by the authors of the sub-module (Chapter 1)

- Links to external sources

- The learner contributes with a custom learning scenario implemented by the technologies

  1. Apply the gathered knowledge on the learning management and social networking systems.

Chapter 2 (Platforms Moodle, Elgg, etc.)

- Task 3

- Task 4

- Provided by the authors of the sub-module (Chapter 2)

- Links to external sources

- The learner contributes with a list of learning management and social networking systems and a list of the technologies used in each of the systems

Zuletzt geändert: Freitag, 29. Oktober 2010, 11:59