Learning Diary

The aim of this learning Diary is to learn from experience. The scope of this learning diary are cultural difference occurred during the period, actions taken to overcome these differences and lessons learned from them.

If you reflect on what you are learning from experiences you:

• Are clear what you have learned
• Can not only learn from mistakes but also from success
• Are better able to transfer the knowledge from one situation to another
• Are able to communicate your learning outcomes

Use the following procedure each time you make an entry:
1.Start by thinking back over an experience and selecting a problem that was caused by cultural differences.
2.Write a detailed account of what happened during the period of activity that you have chosen to focus on.
3.Explain with the help of culture models the problem occurred
4.Explain what you have done to overcome the problems and give possible solutions

Further instructions:
•Each student has to submit his/her learning diary until end of week 11 of the course
•The assessment will be done in two steps:
    oGroup assessment: Presentations
    oIndividual assessment: Learning diary
•There is no specific amount of entries your leaning diary should have. The entries should depend on occurred problems. But as a guideline at least one entry per week should be done.
•Please use your international group forum to discuss your learning diary.
Ostatnia modyfikacja: środa, 22 września 2010, 10:53