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is the process or method used to evaluate, measure and eventually describe the learning outcomes acquired by individuals through formal, non-formal or informal settings. Assessment is performed by the provider institution or other recognised assessment providers. (EU 2022, p 15).




Blended learning

is the combination of instruction from two historically separate models of teaching and learning: traditional F2F learning systems and distributed learning systems. It also emphasizes the central role of computer-based technologies in blended learning. … People chose BL for three reasons: (1) improved pedagogy, (2) increased access/flexibility, and (3) increased cost effectiveness. (Graham 2006, p 3, p 7; see also Feng 2022).



Common Micro Credential Framework

Constructive alignment

is a pedagogical practice when teaching, learning and assessment activities are directly linked to the intended learning outcomes in order to facilitate student learning (Biggs and Tang, 2007).


continuing professional development



Transparent Assessment for Online Learning by Digitally Competent Professors

Digital wallet

Within EDCI, users can register with an Europass account, providing for a built-in digital credential wallet. This wallet is similar to a bank account, available for transfer of learning credentials by third parties. The wallet address can be given to any party for direct credential depositing purposes, however not allowing them to see the credentials already stored in the user’s wallet. (Europass 2023)



European Blockchain Partnership 


European Blockchain Services Infrastructure


European Credit Clearinghouse for Opening up Education


European Consortium of Innovative Universities


European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System


European Data Model Infrastructure


European MOOC Consortium


European Qualification Framework


European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations


Formal learning

means learning which takes place in an organised and structured environment, specifically dedicated to learning, and typically leads to the award of a qualification, usually in the form of a certificate or a diploma; it includes systems of general education, initial, continuing and tertiary vocational education and training and higher education. (EU 2022, p 14)



Higher Education 


Higher Education Institutions


Informal learning

means learning resulting from daily activities and experiences which is not organised or structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support; it may be unintentional from the learner’s perspective. It does not automatically lead to a MicroCredential but can be considered in the context of validation arrangements which may identify, document, assess and/or certify an individual’s learning outcomes. (EU 2022, p 14)



Learning Analytics

Learning Outcomes

can be described as statements or explanations of what a learner will know, understand and will be able to do because of engaging in and successfully completing a series of learning activities. By the definition, learning outcomes encompass the following elements: attitudes, behaviors, skills, and values. (Biggs and Tang, 2007)

Learning settings

means the diverse, physical, online, blended, virtual and digital locations, contexts and cultures in which people learn, encompassing all settings in which formal, non-formal and informal learning can occur. (EU 2022, p 13)


Learning Management System




means the record of the learning outcomes that a learner has acquired following a small volume of learning. These learning outcomes will have been assessed against transparent and clearly defined criteria. Learning experiences leading to MicroCredentials are designed to provide the learner with specific knowledge, skills and competences that respond to societal, personal, cultural or labour market needs. MicroCredentials are owned by the learner, can be shared and are portable. They may be stand-alone or combined into larger credentials. They are underpinned by quality assurance following agreed standards in the relevant sector or area of activity. (EU 2022, p 13)


Massive Open Online Course


Non-formal learning

means learning which takes place outside formal education and training through planned activities in terms of learning objectives and learning time and where some form of learning support is present. (EU 2022, p 14)


National Qualification Framework



Open Educational Resources



means the ability for a credential-holder to store their micro-credentials in a system of their choice, to share the credential with a party of their choice (whether national or transnational) and for all parties in the exchange to be able to understand the content and verify the authenticity of the credentials. This enables portability between and within education and training sectors, in the labour market and across countries. (EU 2022, p 14)

Providers of MicroCredentials

are education and training institutions and organisations, social partners (i.e. organisations representing workers and employers), employers and industry, civil society organisations, public employment services (PES) and regional and national authorities, and other types of actors designing, delivering and issuing micro-credentials for formal, non-formal and informal learning. This is without prejudice to regional and national legislation and circumstances. (EU 2022, p 13)



Quality Assurance



Short Learning Program


means the possibility, where relevant, to combine different MicroCredentials and build logically upon each other. Decisions to ‘stack’ or combine credentials lie with the receiving organisation (e.g. education and training institutions, employers, etc.) in line with their practices and should support the goals and needs of the learner. Stacking does not create an automatic entitlement to a qualification or a degree. Such decisions are made by regional and national authorities or institutions in line with their awarding processes. (EU 2022, p 15)



This dimension (of digital assessment) intends to make the entire competence assessment program visible and comprehensible for all participants. For this reason, it is important that the students/learners are able to understand the fairness of their assessment, as precisely as their instructors, requiring them to have a complete knowledge of all assessment criteria and their relative weights. For this dimension four criteria were considered: democratisation, engagement, visibility and impact. (Tinoca 2014, p 22)



Vocational Training


Virtual Learning Environment

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