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is the process or method used to evaluate, measure and eventually describe the learning outcomes acquired by individuals through formal, non-formal or informal settings. Assessment is performed by the provider institution or other recognised assessment providers. (EU 2022, p 15).




Blended learning

is the combination of instruction from two historically separate models of teaching and learning: traditional F2F learning systems and distributed learning systems. It also emphasizes the central role of computer-based technologies in blended learning. … People chose BL for three reasons: (1) improved pedagogy, (2) increased access/flexibility, and (3) increased cost effectiveness. (Graham 2006, p 3, p 7; see also Feng 2022).



Common Micro Credential Framework

Constructive alignment

is a pedagogical practice when teaching, learning and assessment activities are directly linked to the intended learning outcomes in order to facilitate student learning (Biggs and Tang, 2007).


continuing professional development



Transparent Assessment for Online Learning by Digitally Competent Professors

Digital wallet

Within EDCI, users can register with an Europass account, providing for a built-in digital credential wallet. This wallet is similar to a bank account, available for transfer of learning credentials by third parties. The wallet address can be given to any party for direct credential depositing purposes, however not allowing them to see the credentials already stored in the user’s wallet. (Europass 2023)



European Blockchain Partnership 


European Blockchain Services Infrastructure

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