Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 4:28 PM
Site: Virtual Mobility platform
Course: Monitoring, supporting, and engaging students based on the evidence generated by digital technologies (TMO2)
Glossary: Glossary


A specific statement that describes exactly what a student will be able to do in some measurable way. There may be more than one measurable outcome defined for a given competency.



A rubric is an assessment tool used for criteria-based assessment and considering performance levels. It can be used for marking any kind of students’ performance element, from class participation to assignments, and despite its format, from written to oral to visual.


Self-regulated learning

Self-regulated learning is an important conceptual framework that includes several aspects of learning: cognitive, metacognitive, behavioural, motivational, and emotional (Panadero, 2017). Zimmerman (2000) developed a SRL cyclical phases model organised in three phases: (1) forethought, (2) performance and (3) self-reflection. In the first phase, students set their goals, activate learning strategies, and try to accomplish their objectives; in the performance phase, they execute the task, monitor their progress, and use strategies to keep engagement and motivation. Finally, in the self-reflection phase, students evaluate their performance, which will affect their later performance positively or negatively. (Zimmerman & Moylen, 2009; Panadero, 2017).

Social engagement

Discipline-specific knowledge and higher-order thinking skills, motivation, sense of belonging and well-being, improved relationships through peer learning and collaboration.

Social presence

According to Rourke et al. (2001, p. 51), “social presence is the ability of learners to project their personal characteristics into the community of inquiry, thereby presenting themselves as “real people”.      



Teaching and learning strategies

Techniques and methods that a teacher applies to support students’ learning. Effective teaching strategies include pre planning,outlining learning goals and criteria for success, and consistently providing feedback (Maine, N/A; NSW Government, 2022).      



Virtual learning environment