Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you

von gelöscht -
Anzahl Antworten: 3

Hi, I'm David. I'm from Italy.

I'm an electronic engineer and I work as R&D Manager in a company in Treviso. 

I really liked the hangouts conference call.



Als Antwort auf gelöscht

Nice to meet you too :-)

von Anastasia Sfiri -

Hi David!

Nice to meet you too :-)

I 'm glad you liked the hangout. It is a great tool to organise meetings with small groups of people.

I wish you good luck in this course and hope that others will also start writing soon. It is too boring otherwise :-(

Would you like to upload a picture in your profile? You can find how in the forum Technical Helpdesk: FAQ Forum

Best wishes,




Als Antwort auf gelöscht

Re: Nice to meet you

von gelöscht -

Hi David,


nice to meet you!

How long have you been working as an electronic engineer? Do you have fun at work?

It sound very interesting! What is your company producing/researching if I may ask?


I also liked the hangouts conference a lot!


See you


Als Antwort auf gelöscht

Re: Nice to meet you

von gelöscht -

Hi all dear colleagues,


Meeting you is a big pleasure. 

I'm sorry for not meeting you in the hangouts conference, but I hope to be free today and meet you there.

Although I have been some times in Italy, I have not been in your city. Is it a big one? Is there some heavy industry there? I'd be very pleased knowing more about your jobs and factories.

I'm also engineer. I live very close to Bilbao, an industrial city  in the Basque Country.

Please, don't hesitate to contact me for more information.


Best regards,


Jon Ander