Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you!

von gelöscht -
Anzahl Antworten: 3

Hi everyone,

it is nice to meet you all!

My name is Georg and I am studying in the field of material science at the Montanuniversität in Leoben, Austria.

I am looking forward to having a great time and making a lot of new experiences together with you!

I already like the Video conference on Google hangouts - they are so much fun!!

Hope to work with you soon!

Kind regards

Georg Graninger


Als Antwort auf gelöscht

Re: Nice to meet you!

von Anastasia Sfiri -

Hi Georg!

Thanks for participating today! I also think the Hangouts are great fun and hope all of you get a chance to use one during this course :-)

I wish you a good learning experience and a lot of exchange with the other participants!

Best wishes,



Als Antwort auf gelöscht

Re: Nice to meet you!

von gelöscht -

Hi Georg,

Nice to meet you.

What kind of material are you studying?



Als Antwort auf gelöscht

Re: Nice to meet you!

von gelöscht -

Hello David,


I am studying Polymer Engineering and Science. What do you do for work or for studying?


