Videoconferencing in Professional technical English

Videoconferencing in Professional technical English

autor Anastasia Sfiri -
Počet odpovědí: 3

Dear course participants,

in a coupel of hours, at 5:30 pm CET, I will open our first videoconferencing session and invite one participant from each country to participate with a webcam and headphones.

The main aim of this first videoconferencing session is to introduce you to your new learning environment and the course "professional technical english".

At 5 pm CET this afternoon I will post two links on this plattform.

1. For the representatives to join the live videoconference with their google account.

2. For everybody, to watch our videoconference live online. This will be a link on youtube.

I am looking forward to meeting you today :-)

Kind regards,



V odpovědi na Anastasia Sfiri

Re: Videoconferencing in Professional technical English

autor Odstraněný uživatel -


I have bee able to join the hangout video condefence but not able to participate because I didn't hear not see anything

Tahnk you if you are able to solve this problem for me

V odpovědi na Odstraněný uživatel

Re: Videoconferencing in Professional technical English

autor Anastasia Sfiri -

Dear Imanol,

I am sorry there was such a problem!

We have a recording of the video and I will put it online shortly. The best thing is to make a test of your coputer, webcamera and headphones. I will ask Andreas to contact you.

