Upload a photo in your profile

Upload a photo in your profile

par Anastasia Sfiri,
Nombre de réponses : 0

In the platform, you have a personal area. Please upload a photo of yourself. The photo will appear in all your forum postings. The following data support the formation of a virtual community. Follow these steps:

  • On the left side you see a blog called Administration
  • Click on the arow to “My profile settings” under Administration
  • Click on the link “Edit Profile”
  • Now you can change your personal settings
  • Upload a photo. Go to User picture and click the button  to „Browse“ through the folders of your computer. A dialog-window appears. Search through the drive where the file is stored by clicking on “search files”, select the file and click „Open“. Then click on “Upload this file”. Or just Drag&Drop a picture inside the area.