VM curriculum designing

Training material development on VM curriculum designing was lead by VMU and KUL with the involvement of other partners. E-learning centres' staff or other staff members from consortium institutions worked collaboratively online to develop training material with practical assignments and templates, as well as video or audio explanations on how to design VM curriculum and what are peculiarities in such process.

4.3 Feedback on VM organization


  • Morrone, F., Keegan, H., Jandl, M., Barbuto, G., Walasek, T., Piatkowski, J., . . . Sarkasiyan, A. (2006). ESMOS Work Package 7 – Protocols Development. ESMOS – Enhancing Student Mobility through Online Support project, 116733-CP-I-2004-I-UK-MINERV A-M.
  • S.D.Moisey, J.A.Hughes (2008). Supporting the online learner // Theory and Practice of Online learning p.419-439
  • Haywood, D., Haywood, J., Joyce, A., Timmis, S., Tredgold, J., Pérez, I., . . . Sonveaux, N. (2007). Student Mobility in a Digital World. Final Report of the VICTORIOUS Project. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from http://www.coimbra-group.eu/victorious/05_publication.htm
  • Op de Beeck, I., Bijnens, K., & Van Petegem, W. (Eds.). (2008). Home & Away. Coaching exchange students from a distance. A best-practice manual on blended mobility. Heverlee Belgium: EuroPACE ivzw
  • Vriens, M., & Van Petegem, W. (Eds.). (2012). Make it work! Integrating virtual mobility in international work placements. Leuven, Belgium.
  • A.Volungeviciene, M.Tereseviciene, E.Dauksiene. (2011). Curriculum design for virtual mobility – significance of teacher-student interaction// Virtual mobility for Teacher sand Students in Higher Education, Research study, Kaunas, 2011.