Unit 7. Selecting a license and registering material

7.2. Registering the work

Once the work is created, registration is an advisable strategy to proof the authorship. Registration can be done using public of private registration centers.

7.2.1. Registration as proof

Copyright is automatic, as the work is protected from the moment of its creation. There is no need to do anything to get the protection. Therefore, registering the work (typically in public centres) is not mandatory.

However, registration is a stronger proof of authorship, and is recommended when there is a chance of a future challenge on the authorship of the work.

7.2.2. Public official registration centres

Most countries have a public official registration centre for IP works. This public registration is a strong evidence of authorship of the work, and admitted in legal issues. However, it is usually not free. The traditional registering process is offline (bringing the materials to the registration office), although most of the centres have now an onlineregistration option.

7.2.3. Private registration centres

There are also non official registration centres, such as Safe Creative. This are onlineregistration centres which have a multi-country presence.

This registration is evidence of authorship as well. These centres usually claim legal validityof this evidence, although it should be checked on a country basis.

The standard business model of these centres is the freemium model, in which the free version offers a subset of the features.