Unit 1. OER/OEP concept, history and contexts

1.2.2 Assessing OERs in different Contexts of Use

We can find several methods for assess OERS. The WikiEducator’s OER Handbook for Educators present some of them:

Advantages to OER

Disadvantages to OER

Method of collaboration

Need to check accuracy before use

Helpful to future educators

May need a high degree of customisation (called localisation in the OER community)

Potentially beneficial to developing nations

Technical requirements vary and some require you to use a particular software

Avoids ‘vendor lock-in’ or a situation in which you have to use one company's products

Requires varying degrees of continual financial support


Some institutions may be concerned about ‘giving it away’

Table 4. WikiEducator’s OER Handbook for Educators

We can also ask, what makes a good Open Educational Resource and synthetize the main aspects in a check list:

  • Aree easy to find – it can be located in multiple locations.
  • Are clearly described.
  • Are appropriately licensed – use Creative Commons or other open licenses.
  • Come from trustworthy sources – the information is accurate and the authors reputed.
  • Are easy to modify and adjust to different contexts of use.
  • Are fully accessible by all kinds of users.
  • Comply with international technical standards.
  • Are fit for the intended learning purpose.

It is also possible to use other type of  instruments with some relevant criteria to assess OER selection and use. (Teixeira, 2015)






The OER is appropriate to the goal established for its use?

The information is trustworthy?

Is it appealing?

The OER is both appropriate to the goal established for its use and the source is trustworthy. In addition it uses an appealing approach.

The OER is appropriate to the goal established for its use and we can trust the source but its form is not very appealing.

The OER is not appropriate to the goal established for its use or the source might not be trustful.



Context of use

The OER is adjusted to the cultural and linguistic context in which is to be used?

The OER new planned version takes into consideration a multicultural approach and linguistic variations.

The OER is planned to be used in multiple languages but doesn't sue a multicultural approach.

The OER is not prepared to be used in different languages.


The OER is easily accessible, usable and findable?

The OER applies universal design for learning principles and is easy to use and find.

The OER is easy to use and find but may not be easy to use by participants with special needs.

The OER is not easy to use or find.

Licensing and Reuse

The OER is licensed?

How much open is the licence open?

Does it allow for reuse?

The OER is open licensed and allows for share alike and reuse.

The OER is open licensed or is freely available on the web.

The OER is not open licensed or freely available on the web.


Is the OER innovative?

Does it present a new approach to the topic?

The OER presents a fresh new approach to the topic.

The OER includes some innovative features.

The OER uses a traditional predictable approach to the topic.

Table 5. Criteria to assess OER (Teixeira, 2015)