Unit 1. Main concepts about Intellectual Property (IP) and licenses

1.2. Types of IP

In this section we will introduce the main forms of IP: patents and trademarks, and copyright (where academic materials belong).

1.2.1. Patents and trademarks

These are called sometimes “industrial property” in contrast to “intellectual property” which is the term used in some countries (and in this document) to refer to works subject to copyright (songs, novels, etc.).

Patents protect inventions, which have usually a physical expression (for example a security cap for a hypodermic needle). Trademarks refer to designs that identify products (for example a logo for a new product).

Industrial property has specific protection laws.

1.2.2. Copyright

Copyright protects the rest of the works. As mentioned before, this is sometimes referred as “Intellectual Property”.

Copyright is usually identified with the © sign