Unit 5. Quality Assurance of Curriculum Design for Virtual Mobility

5.6. Learning result assessment and evaluation

Assessment is a central element in the overall quality of teaching and learning in higher education. Well-designed assessment sets clear expectations, establishes a reasonable workload (one that does not push students into rote reproductive approaches to study), and provides opportunities for students to self-monitor, rehearse, practice and receive feedback. Assessment is an integral component of a coherent educational experience.

Principles of assessment

Assessment is a key element of curriculum design that is fundamental to the learning process. Assessment methods are of prime pedagogical importance because they largely determine how students approach their studies. Assessment should be planned and aligned with the learning outcomes within the instructional design process to enhance the quality of virtual mobility course.  Assessment can be done by the instructor, by the student, by peers, or by an external body. Virtual mobility  learning environments offer increased flexibility for assessment, and can be used to encourage the development of creativity, critical thinking and in-depth subject matter knowledge – each of which is essential for quality learning. Many different assessment techniques can be used in an online learning environment. They can be categorized broadly in terms of timing (synchronous or asynchronous). Types of assessment:

  • Written assignments
  • Participation in online discussions
  • Essays
  • Online quizzes
  • Multiple choice questions to test understanding (formative) or as a test (summative)
  • Collaborative assignment work
  • Debates
  • Experiential activities such as role play and simulation
  • Learning portfolios

Range of assessment methods.  We all have learning style preferences.  Equally, we have preferred ways to communicate our learning.  Are students exposed to a range of assessment methods across their learning?  Do they have opportunities to practice  a new assessment method before a summative assessment? 

Assessment criteria. It is important that students are aware of the criteria against which their work will be judged.  This is part of transparency.  Are students able to use the criteria to judge their own work?  Are they involved in the formulation of assessment criteria?

Reviewing your assessment strategy and methods

Begin by thinking about your current assessment practice. The questions below will help guide your reflection.





Learners are presented with evaluation strategy very clearly



Learners are presented with evaluation and assessment criteria



Learners participate in definition of assessment and evaluation criteria



Learners have the tools to assess their learning progress and achievement of learning results



Learners can do self-assessment



Self – evaluation tools are presented



Learners do have a possibility to re-submit assignments when they are late



Other _________________________________



The relationship between assessment practices and the overall quality of teaching and learning is often underestimated, yet assessment requirements and the clarity of assessment criteria and standards significantly influence the effectiveness of student learning. Carefully designed assessment contributes directly to the way students approach their study and therefore contributes indirectly, but powerfully, to the quality of their learning.

For most students, assessment requirements literally define the curriculum. Assessment is therefore a potent strategic tool for educators with which to spell out the learning that will be rewarded and to guide students into effective approaches to study. Equally, however, poorly designed assessment has the potential to hinder learning or stifle curriculum innovation.

Review your assessment strategy regularly. It can be even more productive when done in partnership with your students and colleagues.