Unit 5. Quality Assurance of Curriculum Design for Virtual Mobility

5.3. Learning objectives

Learning objectives (often called performance objectives or competencies) are brief, clear, specific statements of what learners will be able to perform at the conclusion of instruction activities. Learning  objectives  are competency based as designate exactly what students need to do, to demonstrate mastery of course material[1].

Reviewing learning objectives

Begin by thinking about learning objectives. The questions below will help guide your reflection. Fill review check list. How could you improve  learning objectives?


Is the learning objective measurable?


Does the learning objective target on specific aspect on expected performance?


Is the learning objective student –centered?


Does the learning objective utilize an effective action verb that targets the desired level of performance?


Do learning objective measure the range of  educational outcomes?


Does the learning objective match instructional activities and assessment?


Does the learning objective specify appropriate conditions for performance?


Is the learning objective written  in terms of observable, behavioral outcomes?