4.3 Feedback on VM organization


  • Morrone, F., Keegan, H., Jandl, M., Barbuto, G., Walasek, T., Piatkowski, J., . . . Sarkasiyan, A. (2006). ESMOS Work Package 7 – Protocols Development. ESMOS – Enhancing Student Mobility through Online Support project, 116733-CP-I-2004-I-UK-MINERV A-M.
  • S.D.Moisey, J.A.Hughes (2008). Supporting the online learner // Theory and Practice of Online learning p.419-439
  • Haywood, D., Haywood, J., Joyce, A., Timmis, S., Tredgold, J., Pérez, I., . . . Sonveaux, N. (2007). Student Mobility in a Digital World. Final Report of the VICTORIOUS Project. Retrieved February 27, 2013, from http://www.coimbra-group.eu/victorious/05_publication.htm
  • Op de Beeck, I., Bijnens, K., & Van Petegem, W. (Eds.). (2008). Home & Away. Coaching exchange students from a distance. A best-practice manual on blended mobility. Heverlee Belgium: EuroPACE ivzw
  • Vriens, M., & Van Petegem, W. (Eds.). (2012). Make it work! Integrating virtual mobility in international work placements. Leuven, Belgium.
  • A.Volungeviciene, M.Tereseviciene, E.Dauksiene. (2011). Curriculum design for virtual mobility – significance of teacher-student interaction// Virtual mobility for Teacher sand Students in Higher Education, Research study, Kaunas, 2011.