4.3 Feedback on VM organization

4.3.3. Feedback from teachers after exchange

It depends on the type of virtual mobility scenario if the feedback from teachers could/should be collected. So all the sections recommended here should be adapted to the scenario. The following groups of questions were addressed in the multi-country course design and delivery:

  • Time spent for curriculum design,
  • Kind of support necessary for curriculum design
  • Kind of support necessary for course delivery
  • Identification of difficulties while designing a course in multi-country group of teachers
  • Importance of the student collaboration
  • Importance of the tools and methods for collaboration used
  • What kind of competences teachers improved
  • Feeling during virtual mobility session
  • If the experience changed the attitude towards virtual mobility
  • If they would be willing to participate in such course in the future
  • What could be improved in further delivery of the course

Questionnaire used in TeaCamp project for feedback from teachers