4.3 Feedback on VM organization

4.3.2. Feedback from students after virtual exchange

The questions on VM organization after exchange maybe definitely addressed at students. It is suggested to start this initiative (by organizing a survey or focus group discussions or any other method possible, corresponding to the aims an possibilities) as soon as virtual exchange finishes, while the memories of the experience are fresh.

The following groups of questions may be addressed at the feedback collection from students after the exchange:

  • Cooperation between members of international group
  • Communication and collaboration methods and tools
  • Learning organization methods
  • Methods for feedback
  • Course consistency (if several teachers were involved

Cooperation in international groups

The cooperation of members in international groups foster inter-country or inter-cultural exchange. The block of questions on cooperation between members of international group may be formulated the following way (they can be adapted according to the virtual mobility scenario chosen):

  • How successful was the cooperation between members of international group?
  • How important or true were success of cooperation influencing factors:
    • There was a strong group leader
    • The group work was organized on the basis of equal contribution
    • Group members were not active
    • I was working alone
    • It was too little time for successful cooperation
    • It was difficult to cooperate due to insufficient English language skills
    • Group work cooperation was interfered by intercultural communication difficulties
    • Cooperation was complicated due to the lack of virtual learning skills

Communication and collaboration methods and tools

Each virtual mobility experience is organized differently, so if the selected tools and methods for communication and collaboration were chosen adequately and what are the suggestions for the improvements and course delivery next time can be detailed from the students’ feedback. The following criteria (questions) may be useful:

  • How important have the below stated communication and collaboration methods and tools been in the module:
    • Email tools
    • Video conference tools
    • Social networking tools
    • Face to face consultations with national teacher/professor
    • Real time chat/skype
    • Consultations in the virtual learning environment
    • Discussion forums
    • Reviewing lecture records
    • Other tools or methods
  • Were there enough tools for communication and collaboration while preparing the assignments?
  • Were there enough tools for communication and collaboration for presentation of  assignments’ results?

Learning organization methods

The aim at addressing learning organization methods may be different. If there were several teachers delivering the course the aim may be to identify the learning organization methods used, but if there was only one teacher delivering the course, there is no need to ask about the methods used, however the importance of them for student learning may be identified. The following methods may be addressed:

  • Information presentation
  • Individual work
  • Group work
  • Interactive learning activities
  • Experimentation
  • Creative work
  • Modelling/imitation
  • Guidance
  • Exploration
  • Search for and analysis of new resources
  • Discussions
  • Practical application of knowledge
  • Critical thinking development activities
  • Development of skills that would enable learners to act independently in the future
  • Reflection
  • Other

Methods for feedback

The feedback for students and student-teacher interaction is the core of online course. This section also may be addressed at identification of different feedback methods used (if there were more teachers organizing the course) or the usefulness of the methods used. The questions to address about the feedback provided may be as follows:

  • Learners were provided with self-assessment possibilities
  • Feedback was provided individually
  • Feedback was provided for groups
  • It was clearly stated for learners, how and when would they get feedback on learning outcomes
  • There was enough feedback provided on your assignments

Course consistency (if course design was performed by several teachers)

If the course was run for the first time and there were several teachers designing and delivering the course it might be useful to ask the students to assess the consistency of the course. The following criteria for the course consistency and coherency may be addressed:

  • Content of the course was understandable
  • The volume of activities was equally distributed during the course
  • Activities were clear
  • Tools were accessible when they were necessary
  • Support was accessible when it was needed
  • The course was connected and contributed to the aim of the course
  • It was clearly stated what and when will be assessed

Other questions to be addressed in the feedback form students:

  • The learning outcomes of the course
  • VM competence improved
  • Feeling during virtual mobility session
  • If the experience changed the attitude towards virtual mobility
  • If they would be willing to participate in such course in the future
  • What could be improved in further delivery of the course

Questionnaire used in VMcolab project