4.3 Feedback on VM organization

4.3.1. Initial feedback from students

First, the feedback on virtual mobility organization may be addressed at students. In order the experience fulfils the needs of learners the initial feedback survey or session may be organized, focusing on the identification of students’ expectation. The following questions may be addressed at this initial session or survey:

  • Is this the first time that you participate in a virtual mobility course or seminar?
  • Please, indicate 2 reasons that have pushed you to choose this OER virtual mobility course
  • Please, indicate 3 main difficulties you can come across during this experience
  • Please, indicate the benefits you think you can gain from this virtual mobility course
  • What are the skills you think you can improve during this course?

The analysis of answers to the pre-mobility questions may bring some ideas for teachers what students are afraid of and what they expect, or what the reasons for participating are. However sometimes it is not possible to organize pre-mobility survey or initial meeting due to the different time that students enrol into the course. This may be the case when autumn or spring term dates are different at several institutions and students tend to be late to join the course exactly on the indicated date.