4.2 Planning VM organization

Virtual mobility organisation in steps (during and after mobility)

Table 4.2 Virtual mobility organization in steps

Steps to implement

Responsible person


During Mobility



Step 17. Learning organization and feedback is provided for students by teachers (and tutors) during the course studies (for more information on this step see Units 2 and 3)



Step 18. A monitoring of student access and participation and initial feedback is performed (in a form of questionnaire, performed either by student sending institution representative or teacher)



Step 19. (Optional) All participating students and teachers are encouraged to jointly produce new learning resources during VM exchange (they are meant for more cultural diversity aspects and their presentation)



Step 20. Student assessment is organized based on hosting institution rules (if face to face examination is needed it can be organized with the help of student home institution representatives)



After mobility



Step 21. Teachers provide final marks for students and for the department (for preparation of Transcript of records)



Step 22. Feedback on virtual exchange is organized at the end of virtual mobility



Step 23. ECTS credits for students are defined at host institution and sent to student home institution in the form of Transcript of records – IRO responsibility.



Step 24. ECTS credits for students recognized at home institution.