4.2 Planning VM organization

Virtual mobility organisation in steps (before mobility)

Table 4.2 Virtual mobility organization in steps


Steps to implement

Responsible person


Before mobility    

Step 1. Agreements between participating institutions for virtual mobility signed (including student/teacher virtual mobility, course/programme level, indicating courses for virtual exchange) – IRO responsibility



Step 2. Virtual mobility type selected and scenario developed (the collaboration between teachers defined).



Step 3. Course marketing information prepared by teachers.



Step 4. Course marketing information shared at the virtual exchange platform for potential virtual students.



Step 5. Identification of VM students – if the course can be recognized at student home institution  – and course marketing for potential VM students (students sending institution teachers and/or IRO)



Step 6. The application and selection for virtual exchange procedures implemented at different institutions – IRO responsibilities.



Step 7. Student guide for virtual exchange is prepared, including the following information presenting to students:

  • Learning outcomes and course topics
  • Teachers’ responsibilities for (each) learning-teaching part design and organization shared
  • Virtual campus and decisions on technologies for communication and interactivity during exchange (agreed and indicated if several institutions’ teachers are cooperating)
  • Timetable for synchronous meetings (teachers’, students’, and international student groups’ presentations) and asynchronous activities (with assignment’s/s’ deadlines)
  • The technology description (a certain link or address for group video conference) and a certain date and time for the first meeting
  • Assessment criteria and assignment’s/s’ weights



Step 8. Learning content virtualized, joint learning resources prepared, courses accredited for virtual exchange.



Step 9. Learning agreements between students, home and host institutions are signed (IRO responsibilities).



Step 10. Student enrolment at host organization is organized according to host institution rules – IRO/ARO



Step 11. Student guide with the first meeting date is disseminated for students, accepted for virtual exchange.



Step 12. Pedagogical, administrative and technical support systems and a contacting person at all participating institutions are identified and shared



Step 13. A self-check for preparedness - if all the above steps have been fulfilled.



Step 14. The registration of students to virtual learning environment is done and following information is sent to incoming students (by hosting institution LSS representatives or teachers):

  • Welcome messages;
  • Address and logins to virtual learning platform;
  • Guide for registering and working in virtual learning environment; 

Contact details of person who provides technological support for virtual students.



Step 15. Teachers before the first virtual meeting send welcome messages to incoming students. A person(s) who provide(s) pedagogical support should be clearly presented for students – it may be a teacher or a tutor. If there is more than one teacher involved, their clear responsibilities should be presented for students.



Before or during mobility



Step 16. International (and national, if possible) student groups are formed to foster intercultural exchange.