4.2 Planning VM organization

4.2.1. VM steps to implement for teachers

This part describes the steps to be implemented while organizing VM. The target group for this material is university teachers, so the table 1 presents steps that teachers have to implement, however as in some universities teachers may be responsible for more duties; the most important steps are mentioned, in order teachers could make sure that they were implemented in their university. The steps most often implemented by other units than teachers are presented in Italics. The involved units are defined as: International Relation Office (further IRO), Academic Relations Office (ARO), Learning support staff or Technical support staff (further LSS). Teachers here represent the faculty or department, responsible for the course, selected for virtual mobility, however in some institutions they may have more responsibilities (such as arranging the signing of bilateral agreements). There may be other units involved in the process, however this depends on the institution structure and their responsibilities, but to simplify the process the limitation to the above units was selected.

OUVM virtual mobility timeline