4.2 Planning VM organization

The following VM process phases are referred to in this training material:

  1. Decision making;
  2. Curriculum design;
  3. Implementation;
  4. Accreditation and recognition.

According to a number of VM researchers (Morrone, et al., 2006; Haywood, et al., 2007; Op de Beeck, Bijnens, & Van Petegem, 2008; Vriens & Van Petegem, 2012), mobility process can be divided into 3 stages – before, during and after mobility. More explicitly it can be divided into the stages of preparation, implementation or process realization, and post mobility activities, and practice recognition.

All those types of categorization may be applied for virtual mobility, however the selection of VM division into stages is selected and detailed to explain the steps, necessary to implement for VM organization process.