5. Useful links and references

Useful links:

The Flipped Classroom Model: 

Blended learning & flipped classroom: 

What is "Flipped Classroom"? http://www.iklase.lt/kas-yra-flipped-classroom/

Flipping the classroom: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/flipping-the-classroom/


Arnott, J. A.,  Planey, S. L. (2016).  Flipped classroom approaches lead to no improvement in learning outcomes or student perceptions. The FASEB Journal vol. 31 no. 1  http://www.fasebj.org/content/31/1

Khanova, J.,  Roth, M., T., Rodgers, J.E., McLaughlin, J., E.  (2015). Student experiences across multiple flipped courses in a single curriculum. Medical education. Volume 49, Issue 10, Pages 1038–1048. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/medu.12807/full

Ozdamli, F., Asiksoy, G. (2016). World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, v8 n2 p98-105